Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Its been a while since I updated the blog. Been busy with work and also with family matters. Didn't even have time to upload the holiday pix. House is in a mess. Can't find my things. Need to catch up with lots of things.

In the workplace there's changes going on and I seriously hope its for the better. Looking forward to all the changes in my life. And eventough I am going sideways and not any other way, I am blessed cos I know Allah knows best. I still hope that there's a light somewhere. Being where I am and handling such matter at this age has not been easy. Bumpy road ahead. I pray that it will not become an issue.

To my niece, congratulations on your wedding ... it takes two to tango and patience and tolerance is the key word. May Allah bless both of you with beautiful and soleh children and kekal dunia dan akhirat.

And at this age and as I reflect, less talk is the best. Your surrounding can smile with you cosmetically but only a few will cry for you. People will talk behind your back no matter what one do (good or bad). We always see the negative in people that shed away the positive.

I am down and out. Until the day my time comes, I'll keep my doa that my family and friends will be protected and given the positive vibes and always be blessed by Allah.

Think Positive.

Monday, May 9, 2011



Eventough you are not with us
You are still remembered in our Doa
Thank you for giving birth to us, your children
There is no gift that we could buy for you

I cant buy you bags and materials that you love
No more sleeping next to you
No more sharing stories with you before going to bed
No more pasar or giant trips

Only our Doa and Yassin as a gift to you, Mak

Mak, you are the greatest mom in the world
You will be forever remembered in our hearts

Todate, your beautiful children have grown from being a mother and father to grandmother and grandfather.

Al Fatihah for both Mak and Bapak

Ya Allah, cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayang mereka memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil.

(Surah al-Isra' 17:24)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It sounds strange but it's real, when Allah pulls back some from one, you'll realize what life is, the worth of family and friends. Learn to forgive as you never know when is your time to depart to another world.

Live life in full. Make friends. Be merry. Always remember Allah.

“Tidaklah dapat kita mengenal orang melainkan pada tiga keadaan, iaitu tidak dapat diketahui orang pemaaf melainkan ketika dia marah, tidak dapat diketahui orang yang berani kecuali ketika dia berjuang dan tidak dapat dikenal seorang sahabat melainkan ketika kita dalam kesusahan.”

(Luqman Al-Hakim)

Mulailah kemaafan itu dari diri kita sendiri dengan memafkan kesalahan yang pernah dilakukan oleh saudara kita.

Doa Pengampunan Dosa

"Wahai Tuhan kami, sesungguhnya kami telah beriman. Oleh itu, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa kami dan peliharalah kami daripada azab neraka"

(Surah Ali' Imran 2:16)