Monday, July 11, 2011


Sounds good huh ... well, of course it is. Everyone wants to go for holiday ... we dream to go to the places we saw in movies, tv etc. I've always wish to go for holidays more often than I could, or more than I could afford ... hehehe. So, we end up not having too many holidays and its always because its difficult for us to take leave during the long holidays. It's just crazy. As I am blogging about holiday, we are planning for a long holiday. InsyaAllah, everything goes well. Of course, long holiday means, lots of RM and we have to start saving for the holiday.

It will not be easy for us but we'll strive for it. There's just so much to do with so little time.

Folks, we have about 5 months before the year end and Ramadhan is just around the corner. As usual, it's gonna be a busy month for us both. Probably, not going for Raya holidays at all. We'll see how it goes.

There's another important date in September that we are trying to fullfill, insyaAllah, we'll get to do all that we wish for.

I'll try to write something before Ramadhan starts ... meanwhile, enjoy the week ahead and may everyday in your life be better than the day before.

Take care my friends.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I was glad when the Company sent me for a crisis management training ... it was much awaited. As I step in to the class, I met the lecturer and found out that there were only 2 participants ie. me and my colleague, I was terrified at that time. In my mind ... matilah aku, habis lah, mesti lecturer ni tanya aku banyak soalan. But, to my surprise, I was very grateful that day, there were so may sharing of experience and I didn't feel bored ... just that a bit sleepy at 4pm as we didnt stop for break that afternoon due to time constraint. I felt rejuvated after that training cos it taught me a lot ... when bosses tells you to read and to write more frequently, i use to whine and grumble ... but after that training, it make sense and you realise that the advice was good ... maybe it was relayed in the wrong way.

I tend to realise that the reason I had this blog was right and reading is sooooo true. I miss so much as I spent more time on the internet than reading. His advice was simple, just take 15 minutes of lunch time to read, clock in 30 minutes earlier to catch up with news, read before you sleep, write 1 page a day (anything that crosses your mind) and clock out 1 hour later from work.

He even told us bluntly that if one is not ready to do the above, quit PR. It sounds harsh isn't but it is fact. I was stunt at first but after digesting what he says, I understand.

As I progress in life, i tend to become quieter each day as I get very amused with my surroundings. I spent more time in the office than with my family and I am sure all of us are the same. Lets make it a healthy environment no matter where we work. People make mistakes, learn from them and dont make their mistake yours.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Its been a while since I updated the blog. Been busy with work and also with family matters. Didn't even have time to upload the holiday pix. House is in a mess. Can't find my things. Need to catch up with lots of things.

In the workplace there's changes going on and I seriously hope its for the better. Looking forward to all the changes in my life. And eventough I am going sideways and not any other way, I am blessed cos I know Allah knows best. I still hope that there's a light somewhere. Being where I am and handling such matter at this age has not been easy. Bumpy road ahead. I pray that it will not become an issue.

To my niece, congratulations on your wedding ... it takes two to tango and patience and tolerance is the key word. May Allah bless both of you with beautiful and soleh children and kekal dunia dan akhirat.

And at this age and as I reflect, less talk is the best. Your surrounding can smile with you cosmetically but only a few will cry for you. People will talk behind your back no matter what one do (good or bad). We always see the negative in people that shed away the positive.

I am down and out. Until the day my time comes, I'll keep my doa that my family and friends will be protected and given the positive vibes and always be blessed by Allah.

Think Positive.

Monday, May 9, 2011



Eventough you are not with us
You are still remembered in our Doa
Thank you for giving birth to us, your children
There is no gift that we could buy for you

I cant buy you bags and materials that you love
No more sleeping next to you
No more sharing stories with you before going to bed
No more pasar or giant trips

Only our Doa and Yassin as a gift to you, Mak

Mak, you are the greatest mom in the world
You will be forever remembered in our hearts

Todate, your beautiful children have grown from being a mother and father to grandmother and grandfather.

Al Fatihah for both Mak and Bapak

Ya Allah, cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayang mereka memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil.

(Surah al-Isra' 17:24)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It sounds strange but it's real, when Allah pulls back some from one, you'll realize what life is, the worth of family and friends. Learn to forgive as you never know when is your time to depart to another world.

Live life in full. Make friends. Be merry. Always remember Allah.

“Tidaklah dapat kita mengenal orang melainkan pada tiga keadaan, iaitu tidak dapat diketahui orang pemaaf melainkan ketika dia marah, tidak dapat diketahui orang yang berani kecuali ketika dia berjuang dan tidak dapat dikenal seorang sahabat melainkan ketika kita dalam kesusahan.”

(Luqman Al-Hakim)

Mulailah kemaafan itu dari diri kita sendiri dengan memafkan kesalahan yang pernah dilakukan oleh saudara kita.

Doa Pengampunan Dosa

"Wahai Tuhan kami, sesungguhnya kami telah beriman. Oleh itu, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa kami dan peliharalah kami daripada azab neraka"

(Surah Ali' Imran 2:16)

Friday, April 29, 2011


The perfection of wisdom, and the end of true philosophy is to proportion our wants to our possessions, our ambitions to our capacities, we will then be a happy and a virtuous people.
- Mark Twain

Lately, I don't have much time for my own ... running around for people I love. But, I am happy cos they are happy.

I was sadden when a few friends I knew had cancer, i lost a dear friend (AlFatihah to Allahyarham Nyet), my bff lost her grandmother, kids got terrified when their house was broken into, and many other events lately but one thing I know for sure that they were strong people that I admire, friend who's always there for me when in good and bad times and kids that are grown up and experiencing life, we were glad to be there with them.

A very big beautiful family, An understanding other half, Amazing friends and colleagues ... you are the colours of my life.

That is the meaning of HAPPINESS to me.


Monday, April 25, 2011


Thank you for your friendship ...

to be near me when i am sad and for trying to understand what it feels. Be a good or bad, i can count on you my friend, to tell me the thruth.

Standing by me, when i feel like falling and helping me walk again. During happy times, we cheered together and always praying for the best of each other.

I can only thank Allah for your friendship and may Allah protect us and forgive us for our wrongdoings.

I stumble upon this, which best describes you.

True friends stab you in the front.

Oscar Wilde

Thank you again for being a true friend. Thank you for keeping me on my feet.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Sorry, I have been quiet this week ... our Ms Hot Lappy is OOO. I still don't know whats the status of recovery but I do hope my files can be saved. Currently using computer 'pinjam' to update just in case my followers (berangan kejap) is wondering what i've been up too. Sabar ye ... there's so much too write but it just got to wait.

Assalamualaikum Semua and Have a Good Weekend!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Yes, we finally made it to Bangkok after more than 1 year postponing due to the political situation in Bangkok last year. Even before we left, we got news that Myanmar was hit by a 6.8 magnitude earthquake. It killed more than 70 people and it was felt hundreds of miles away in Bangkok and Hanoi. Thank you to that special someone whom updated us with the news ... it kept us alerted.

After lots of checks and googling, we decide that its gonna be a green light. Alhamdulillah, everything went well and the weather in BKK was just so beautiful. It was a holiday that both of us were looking forward too cause we intended to buy a few items for our nest.

Stay tune tomorrow for the experience in BKK. In the meantime, I am just too tired to continue ... good nite.

Mari berzikir sebelum tidur.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Today's entry is just going to be short and sweet ... i'm introducing a new family member to my PML collection ... Bunga Kangkung ... happy becos it's a gift from my luvly sister and i get to start a new family ... hehehe.

And my craze for the current moment is just PML, household items and of course ... Pandora ... so, if you are interested to buy me presents ... take a pick ... wink wink Mr Hubby .... ;)

The Pandora bracelet is unique with it's own story ... my bracelet is a journey of
my life, my dream, my wish, my desire.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


As per my previous posts, u would already know by now that i am into collecting pinggan mangkuk lama and currently in love with pink sakura ... alhamdulillah ... during my last trip to Tampin ... i found another set of sakura ... it's just sooooo pretty.

and i have always like the enamel dulang that arwah my mom used to have to tebar roti canai and also serves lauk pauk during kenduri ... so, i decided to add to my collection the enamel stuffs ... and here it goes ....

i hope to add more to the collection but it will have to wait for a little while cos we'll be doing something next week ... so, stay tune ...


Arghhhhh .... so many colours to choose from and i am asking for your opinion. its for an event but the colours is just to interesting and i want to create something fresh ... let the fun time begins ... let me have your opinion ....

and the colours are :-

purple green
purple yellow

purple red

purple pink

purple orange

purple blue

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Congrats U Both!

It's been a while since I last wrote here ... I've been busy with my nephew's engagement. Alhamdulillah, everything went well and smoothly. Even though it rains, it's 'hujan rahmat' and happy with the outcome of the event. Thanks to all ZS family and AS family for making it happen. It's been a tiring week but really enjoyable. Got to brush up my talent in 'gubahan' and floral arrangement ... of course with the help of 'Kak N'. I just hope that one day, I can turn my passion to money making passion. InsyaAllah.

Enjoy the pix.

Representative from both sides

The Mee Soto is just sooooo yummylicous!

Sweet Little Giveaways

Table setting .... cantik tak? hehehe

On the other hand, within the last 2 weeks, I had 3 deliveries of boxes. 2 enamel deliveries and 1 sakura delivery. Haven't got the time to attend to it yet, hopefully, i'll get to do it on Saturday. It's gonna be a bz week ahead, but luking forward to it as we'll be travelling. Yippppeeeee.

InsyaAllah, I'll try to upload it before we start our jalan2, makan2 and shopping2.

Until we meet again. :)

Monday, March 7, 2011


Everyday has been a learning curve, trying hard to become a better person, a better muslim, a better wife, a better daugther/daughter in law, a better sister, a better friend and trying to do everything else better.
I am not perfect, I am only human.

This year is our 4th year together and I pray that our love will remain stronger each day.

The relationship which I treasure most is to spend our time together thru thick and thins and may Allah bless us with a little angle (angels).


On being a wife

Rasulullah SAW dalam hadisnya bermaksud, "Hak suami atas isterinya (tanggungjawab isteri terhadap suaminya), bahawa isteri tidak boleh meninggalkan hamparan (tilam) suaminya, hendaklah menerima dengan baik pemberian suaminya, hendaklah taat pada perintah suaminya, tidak boleh keluar dari rumahnya kecuali dengan izin suaminya, dan tidak boleh membawa (membenarkan) orang yang dibenci oleh suaminya masuk ke dalam rumahnya." (riwayat Al-Tabrani)

Rasulullah SAW dalam hadisnya bermaksud, "Bila isteri itu mengerjakan sembahyang lima waktu, berpuasa bulan Ramadan, memelihara kemaluannya dan mematuhi suruhan dan larangan suaminya, maka akan dimasukkan dia ke dalam syurga." (riwayat Abu Hurairah)

On being a Daughter

"Dan kami perintahkan kepada manusia (berbuat baik) kepada kedua ibu bapanya, ibunya telah mengandungkannya dalam keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah, dan menyusukannya dalam masa dua tahun. Bersyukurlah kepada-Ku dan kepada kedua ibu bapamu, hanya kepada -Ku-lah tempat kembalimu (Luqman:14)

On Friendship with Opposite Sex

I read this somewhere and it's interesting ...

"If there is ongoing interaction with someone with whom you have been very honest in sharing your deepest thoughts and feelings, this can generate a feeling of closeness that stimulates even more sharing—and more closeness, and on and on. Eventually, this relationship can become extremely close and an emotional attachment develops, causing serious damage to the marriage—whether or not it ever becomes "sexual."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ayah & Ibu

Ayah dan Ibu, itulah permulaan kami ... the first verse of one of my favourite song 'Ayah dan Ibu' from Allahyarham Sudirman. Each and everytime I listen to this song, it never fail to drop my tears. For those who still have their parents around, please NEVER EVER neglect them, they are the MOST precious person in your whole life. I've found a beautiful piece which I would like to share it with you from Youtube and credit to Zikrifuad.

I've lost both of them, but they will be forever and ever in my heart.
Especially for arwah Mak and Bapak, you'll always be remembered and I thank Allah for blessing me with you both. Luv u Mak ... Luv u Bak and I miss you both dearly.


This is the song, Ayah dan Ibu ...

Monday, February 28, 2011


Just pix of the beautiful things ... enjoy ....

Nanpu Bridge, China

Extremely Beautiful Eyes - Hanya Kerana Mata yang Mempunyai Kuasa

Breathless - she's a real beauty, so pure

Hijab - Its Beautiful

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Learn to appreciate what we are given in the world and make it beautiful.

Personally for me, sincerity is the most beautiful thing that one must have.
Sincerity reflects the pureness.
The secret of success is Sincerity.


Thursday, February 24, 2011



And as we continue the journey of our life together, I pray that we remain strong forever. May we complete, correct, communicate and connect. May we keep reminding and guiding each other. May Allah bless all that we do ... may we give strength to each other .... and I pray we are together eternally.

Allah S.WT. berfirman: "Di antara tanda-tanda kebesaran-Nya ia menjadikan untuk kamu pasangan dari jenis kamu sendiri untuk kamu tinggal tenteram di sampingnya dan dijadikan di antara kamu kasih sayang dan belas kasihan. Semuanya itu menjadi tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang berfikir. "

Taken from Islamic Advancement Department of Malaysia (JAKIM)

Ciri-ciri penting Beberapa ciri penting adalah mustahak untuk menjadi pegangan setiap individu di dalam kehidupan berkeluarga yang mesti diberi perhatian setiap masa:
1. Sedari diri bahawa anda salah seorang ahli keluarga yang ada peranan, kewajipan dan tidak boleh melepaskan diri daripadanya.
2. Sentiasa baharui azam untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan agama, syaksiah, ilmu pengetahuan ke arah melahirkan insan berkualiti.
3. Suburkan sifat-sifat mahmudah dan kurangkan sifat-sifat mazmumah dalam amalan hidup sehari-hari.
4. Hidupkan sembahyang berjemaah, banyakkan membaca al-Quran dan hidupkan salam di kalangan keluarga.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Piring Bunga Lalang

Piring Black & White Rose

Piring Black & White Dahlia

Pinggan Kekwa Pink

Tea Set Buluh Emas

Mangkuk Enamel

Tea Anyone? Very English Teaset

Bunga Kuning 'tak tahu nama'

Mangkuk Bunga Lalang

Thru this hobby, I come across some items that is interesting but some items are not for my collection, so, I'd like to share these items and if interested, bagi tahu ye.


With age comes maturity and old is gold. As I began this new hobby, I started to hunt for new items and I am so surprised to see the old stuff that capture my heart and there were some items I found that could match arwah my mom's items and I got excited. I gave priority to the existing collection and believe me, 'rambang mata'. I wanted so many things but of course, I can get all I want cos it comes with a price tag. So, at the moment, tungguuuuu.

This is what I got in our hunt with Czarina (I hope I got her pen name right) ... hehehe.

I am trying to find some notes on the vintage items. Once I have it, I'll have it publish here. This is yesterday's catch.

I don't know what it is called but this is in memory of arwah my parents. I call this the 'Crystal Star'.

Now, I learn that 'Kekwa' have 5 variations (I hope I get this right). This is one of it ... pinggan sambal.

I soooo like this, it is sooooo sweet, kawan-kawan, ni rose apa ye?

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Yup, I am starting a new hobby of collecting Pinggan Mangkuk Lama (bukan surat khabar lama tau!) ... as my BIL sis prefer the short cut of PML. I discover this new hobby a few months back. Little that I know that it's going to be an expensive hobby. However, I've started and I'm glad to do it as it rekindles the memories of my late parents. When we were young, we used the Pinggan Mangkuk yang really kaca and berat. So, here I am, reintroduce it to our household. All this while, I prefer melamine but since the health issue that melamine has, slowly but slowly, we are changing to kaca.


My nephew have just started blogging. I am proud to see him committed to his blog. Unlike his lazy auntie ... forever delaying. What I tought would be the best avenue for me to write has been put on shelved for quite some time. And now, hopefully I am back for good. By the way, I like his writing, very creative. I also have another niece who's having her own blog ... and yes, girl, I follow your blog too. :)